
Archive for October, 2009




posted March. 08, 2011 – 9:25 pm Central time.

Wow, things are sure going fast with the VIP blogs, as fast as I complete one the next one is due.

One pattern that I have noticed is some of these predictions start to come true as fast as I post them..Mind you that I don’t (or rather in the past I didn’t) post them as soon as I saw the visions and just saved up until I was ready to write the blog. I feel that I may need to add them faster in the future..

With all the upheaval in other countries and the labor unrest here, I will address some of the things that I see coming since I’m receiving some emails with people wanting to know what’s going to happen..

Many of the things that you will read in the VIP Blogs are things that I won’t release to other people since they are sensitive and involve subjects that are too controversial to the masses. Plus, some Governments may not like what I say about them but I don’t have any agenda on what I write, I only describe what I see in my visions and try to make sense out of all the confusion in the world..

With God on our side, we will prevail and prosper beyond these difficult times in the world & I want to remind everyone that things go in cycles and this will pass just like the last one in the mid 1970’s ,so keep your Faith and help those in need that are less fortunate!

If you are interested in accessing the VIP Blogs please make a $25 or more Donation to my Ministry below and you’ll received the password through an email from me within 24 hours.

This access is for one year only and those that are Charter members (People that contribute $50 or more) will receive access to any and all of my Private blogs in the future based on their prior support & contributions.


I now have all of my Blog sections up and running and have uploaded a few Blogs that I’ve previously posted to my readers on MySpace..

The Private Blogs that will be listing my latest Predictions and Views to my VIP readers and supporters are now in place… CLICK on the VIP BLOGS in the top column, or lower right list for access if you are a VIP member…..Or instructions on how to join.

Please feel free to use the Blogs and to list your views in the comments section…





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